Ramadan message of Atty. Naguib SinarimboAssalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

The Holy Month of Ramadan represents a call for self-sacrifice and introspection, a time of giving and appreciation, a time to practice empathy, compassion and self-control.

During this month of peace and renewal, I join my Muslim brothers and sisters as we embark in a spiritual journey of reflection and contemplation.

Let us join forces to work for peace in our region and focus on our common battle to defeat coronavirus, poverty and injustice. Let us actualize the principles of Islam and integrate them into the fabric of a modern and progressive community.

The pandemic will pass. What we do in difficult times is a measure of who we are now and what we will be in the future.Let this spiritual journey be filled with compassion, charity, and love.Ramadan Mubarak!